Our school day starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.15pm. The school gate is open from 8:40am and we expect children to have left the premises by 3.25pm, unless they are attending an afterschool activity. We have a break for lunch at 12.20pm. There is a morning break for the whole school, while the Key Stage 1 class also has a short break during the afternoon.
All children in KS1 are offered a free hot meal every day and children in KS2 are able to order a hot meal daily at a cost of £2.34. The children order their meals every morning and it's then freshly cooked in time for lunch. There is a three-week rolling menu and a copy of the menu can be found below: There is also a copy of the current menu on the school notice board. The menu changes after February half term.
Any over-payment at the end of the school year will be carried over to the next school year, unless your child is leaving school, in which case the over-payment will be re-imbursed to the card from which it was paid.
If children don't want a cooked meal they may bring in a packed lunch. All children must bring in a refillable water bottle.
Our KS1 children are provided with a piece of fruit/vegetable free of charge for a morning playtime snack so there is no need for parents to send in any food (other than a suitable packed lunch, should your child prefer this to a hot meal).
Children in KS1 receive free semi-skimmed milk until they are five years old. After this time, all children can take advantage of this facility for a small charge. Chilled milk is delivered daily to our school.
For just £2.50 per session per child, we offer an early Breakfast Club every morning, when the children can come in to school at 8.00am and enjoy a healthy start to the day with toast, preserves, a selection of cereals, assorted fruit juices and milk.
If you would like your child to come to Breakfast Club, please email the school office by the Friday of the week before you need the facility. This is essential as we need to plan carefully due to COVID restrictions.
Payments are to be made in advance by Parentpay.
School uniform can be purchased from The School Shop in Evesham, either in person or online. Click on the link below. There is a small amount of second-hand uniform in the school office, which can be purchased for a discretionary donation to school funds. Please contact Mrs. Byrd if you would like to see what is available.
Mrs. Byrd is our School Administrator and she is in school every day, should you have any enquiries. Our email address is admin@willersey.gloucs.sch.uk. In the event that Mrs. Byrd is not available, Mr. Jackson or any member of staff will help with any enquiries you might have.